Facing the Ionian Sea, this former fishermen’s house was transformed into a diptych house of one or two units depending on the number of guests.
The idea behind the rehabilitation project was to maintain the eclectic use of materials and to bring back the original layout. The materials chosen resemble the sea and its ever-changing color.
The only newly built wall is a giant Calacatta arabescato marble slab, dividing the toilet from the alcove bedroom, as an object trouvé founded in a nearby old church and reused.
In the second unit or secondary bedroom, walls are covered by ceramic tiles, made and painted by hand by local artisans, with an inspired pattern by Ellsworth Kelly work, simulating the sea.
When you arrive to the terrace, coming from the sunrise colored metal staircase, the view to the sea is overwhelming.
All the horizontal surfaces are covered with the same sandy limestone used in the nearby castle as a virtual extension of the "Forte San Giovannello" pedestrian path.
An open-air shower marked by a giant red circle indicates the direction of the sunrise.
Available for rent here: www.iamsicily.it
Photos by Alberto Moncada